Just got an email from Dr. Taatgen. Andrea Brody, the producer, made contact. Yes! Dr. Taatgen gave her the cell phone number for Ribhi Salem, the current director of American International School in Gaza. Please try to tune in today at noon. The whole hour will be on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
AISG blown to smithereens
I do not know what the plans are for the future of AISG students, but I am guessing they may try to do what they did when Dr. Taatgen was director. In 2005, the Israeli Defense Forces engaged relentlessly in low flying missions over the school, blowing out windows and ear drums, and wreaking havoc on the well being of staff and students. In response, because the international community ignored this psychological warfare, they began teaching the students at the apartment complex where the international teachers lived. A "home school" of sorts.
AISG after bombing
Lastly, I just heard on NPR that the Israeli government has expressed concern about the humanitarian crisis and will help in anyway they can. This reminds me of an interview with the Syrian ambassador in Washington D.C. on CNN shortly after the invasion of Lebanon in 2006. The journalist said, "but Israel has said they are a friend of Lebanon."
AISG after bombing
Ambassador Moustapha responded in a very excited, high pitched voice that I thought was going to break the juice glass I was holding by saying, "this is like a rapist telling a woman after he rapes her that he wants to be her friend."
AISG after bombing
God I loved that and was so glad he was not censored. I sent Ambassador Moustapha an email telling him I saw and loved his interview. He wrote me back and thanked me. Told me that he was glad to know American citizens were paying attention.
If you miss To the Point today, you can listen to it on line. I have the direct link for To the Point on my links "news outlets trying to make the world a better place." Or just go to www.kcrw.com and click on link for news. You will find it there.
Hi mary i have followers and subscribe reader that you should be able to blog roll,thanks for comment your blog is interesting too.paul..
okay robinthebruce. your old cameras are vey cool.:)
just tried again and it sent me to a feed. damn. would like it to open to your main page and don't know how to do that. those cameras are cool.
anway, thanks for the kind comments.
maybe send me a link. i am typing in your blog address. trid url way and blogs i am following.
This devastation is so heart breaking, I can't even begin to feel like I have a grasp of understanding on the complexity of the issues that run so deeply. But the destruction of what should be deemed as safe and killing of children in schools? thanks for your coverage Mary,
thanks karin,
yes it is complete madness. luckily no children were killed at the AISG as it was bombed over the weekend. however, the security guard was killed. so sad. just innocently doing his job.
Thanks - Thanks - Thanks! I'm now listening to today's radio show. Your information and insights are most helpful!!
thanks george,
yes i love warren olney. great program.
thanks for the clarification Mary - I was (inappropriately) clumping the images I was seeing of injured in a hospital in Egypt (including children) with the story of the school being hit. I have such a hard time exposing myself to this news - yet know to remain uninformed is simply irresponsible...
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